
Showing posts from July, 2016


Hi all, Nowadays, more and more companies are betting heavily on artificial intelligence. As you have seen from Google io 2016 that company is bringing machine learning or deep learning in every possible way to user in the forms of chat apps or virtual assistant like ok-google. Now coming to our post title asus zenbo is a robot which was introduced at computex 2016 in Taiwan by asus. Recently asus has been doing some great work in mobile industry, and they are already an established player in computer hardware. Looking at the recent addition of zenfone 3 series of the company phone portfolio it looks like they are in strong position in mobile world. But asus is not stopping at just creating a mobile device they are bringing a personal robot assistant in market. The zenbo is a step closer to what we have been fantasizing about from years and we potrayed that fantasies in movies. It can give you answers based on your queries, can aid you in kitchen by telling recipes, can click ph